Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG
Die Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG – im Folgenden kurz Dallmeier genannt – ist ein führendes deutsches Unternehmen im Bereich der Videoüberwachungstechnik. In seiner über 35 Jahren langen Historie entwickelte das Unternehmen ein hochmodernes, integriertes Portfolio aus Überwachungskameras, Aufzeichnungssystemen und Video-Management-Software. Qualität “Made in Germany”, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz stehen dabei im Fokus.
As a global player with local roots, Dallmeier attaches great importance to a high level of vertical integration in research, development and production. All key components are developed and manufactured in Regensburg. The lion's share of the components supplied is sourced from within a radius of less than 200 km.

WebRTC is used as the basic technology for the architecture. WebRTC as a standard was originally developed to enable peer-to-peer video conferencing applications directly in the web browser, but is now also widely used elsewhere. WebRTC covers topics such as the discovery of connection paths between mobile app and video device, the negotiation of codecs, the encryption of media data and video streaming itself. For us the use of WebRTC eliminates the need for a VPN.
The mobile backend was implemented with Microsoft Azure. The app interacts with the backend via a REST API (implemented in Typescript/NestJs). Device communication (device-to-cloud and cloud-to-device) takes place via Azure IOT Hub. Azure is also used for camera and recorder enrollment (DPS), user management (AD B2C), data storage (BlobStorage and MS SQL) and event routing. ARM templates (Azure Resource Manager) were written for the deployment of various cloud environments.
The app for Android and iOS was implemented using Flutter. UX/UI and technical feasibility were developed and implemented in close coordination with Dallmeier and Imago Design in an agile process.