basysKom AnwendungsEntwicklung

RiveQtQuickPlugin now with Text Support
Essential Summary
The RiveQtQuickPlugin has now integrated the latest rivecpp version. We’ve implemented rendering support for rive text elements. We ensured seamless text rendering compatibility across both software and hardware-backed renderers. Explore our latest blog post for a demonstration video and to learn about more rendering enhancements.
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This post provides an update on new features and improvements for the RiveQtQuickPlugin.

Text support

Up until today, the plugin has been developed based on an upstream rivecpp version dating back to April 2023. While this version has proven to be a reliable and stable release, it lacked some of the newer features, most notable text support.

Rivecpp itself recently gained support for Text elements. We have upgraded to the latest rivecpp version and implemented the required rendering features to also support text elements in the RiveQtQuickPlugin. That means text rendering now works with both, the software- as well as the hardware-backed renderer.

This demo video shows a Rive animation that makes use of the new text support. It was rendered with RiveQtQuickPlugin in Qt6 using RHI with Direct3D. The original rive animation shown can be found here. Copyright is by @drawsgood (CC BY).

But that's not all...

In addition to that we have implemented multisampling and High DPI scaling render support. Both are turned on by default and can not be switched off. Multisampling significantly improves the quality of the rendering output when employing RHI rendering in Qt6. Older environments (for example opengl es1.0), that do not support multisampling, will need to use the software renderer from now on.

And for those seeking even finer control and having some spare system resources, can still turn on the optional subpixel morphological antialiasing (SMAA). This feature provides advanced anti-aliasing capabilities, enhancing the visual fidelity of your animations and now also uses multisampling.

Stay tuned as we continue to bring further improvements in our RiveQtQuickPlugin.

Picture of Jeremias Bosch

Jeremias Bosch

Jeremias Bosch consults in his position as Technical Project Manager our customers in building embedded HMI applications, as well as the implementation of next generation cloud projects. He is responsible for the system/software-architecture and the development within customer projects as well as the agile project management. He has over 12 years of experience in developing HMIs and Web Applications. He has delivered multiple large and medium scale Qt Quick and cloud applications in industries such as automotive, aerospace and manufacturing engineering. He holds a diploma of computer science from the University of Applied Sciences in Isny. Is a certifed SCRUM Master and Product Owner as well as a certifed Qt Developer.

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